About Unfold
Data Science based Astrology​
We often hear celebrities saying: "The planets were aligned" when they reach an unprecedented successful period of their life.
To test this quote, we gathered thousands of eminence profiles and the dates of their significant achievements (Olympic medals, life-changing career promotion, significant relationships, etc.).
We applied multiple traditional Astrology predictive techniques to their life.
We observe that planetary configurations surprisingly do better than the pure random factor to predict the intense period*.
Marie, one of our founders, combined her 15 years of data science experience with ephemeris** to check their validity on this massive database of events.
"Of course, human life is so complex that no one claim foreseeing the entire future. Eventually, there seem to be some periods where the stars have their say on your lucky day... So, why not focus and be best prepared for it!"
At Unfold, we want to help people realize their strengths, helping them feel empowered, confident, and purposeful.
*Intense Period: when significant events are more likely to happen
**Ephemeris: In astronomy and celestial navigation, an ephemeris is a book with tables that gives the trajectory of naturally occurring astronomical objects in the sky, i.e., the position over time. It is also the base of astrology.